CHUG wins Edible Green Corners award
Posted on January 24, 2012EDIBLE GREEN CORNERS – The Floating Allotment, Kingsland Basin, Hackney – Courtesy of Edible GreenCorners Website
A community of 14 Hackney boat dwellers has turned one of the old boats into a floating allotment on which herbs, perennials and annuals grow. The boat is a cornucopia of rosemary, basil, Thai sage, chives and mint, strawberries, artichokes, lettuces, tomatoes, squash, beetroot and much more. The produce is shared between the households involved and when there’s a particularly bumper crop, it’s left in a common area so people can help themselves. Here Valerie Easty, Tim Storey and Marnie Collins are congraulated by Susan Hampshire.
Hackney floating allotments win green award