Skill Sharing 01 • Tying Knots

As part of our new Outreach & Education program, CHUG offers a series of Community Skill Sharing Sessions this summer. Our first session is giving practical advise on tying knots. By James Hewson.

Tying Knots • Thursday, 12th July • 8pm • at the moorings

Access is via 305 Kingsland Road. Please call James on 07711 031318.

Open to local residents!

Allotment again! … in food documentary “Best Before: The London Food Revolution”

A documentary that hopes to ‘change the way Londoners buy food’ uses CHUG’s work with the allotment as an example of people who are working to make healthy, local and sustainably produced food accessible to everyone. The film will premiere on the 15th July at the Gallery Café in Bethnal Green. The independent film features award winning journalist Felicity Lawrence, scholars Tim Lang and Jason Moore, and UK farmer Michael Duveen.