We are always looking for donations and additional funding.
CHUG is a registered charity and everybody involved volunteers to run it. Our time & funds are used to organise community events, make donations to Laburnum Boat Club, maintain our basin, purchase allotment equipment etc.
Current fundraising
Our first priority is re-greening the basin: Through current development works we have lost most of the trees, shrubs, weeds and flowers that used to make the basin such a special place. We are currently developing plans for a ‘Green Wall’ to our new moorings, i.e. a vertical garden that recreates some of the lost greenery. In collaboration with local stake holders we hope to extend our greening endeavours beyond the basin along the towpath.
For our outreach & educational work, we are in the process of developing a set of resources for that promote understanding of boat life, which can be lent out to local primary schools and nurseries. These should include story & factual books as well as toys, e.g. a mini narrowboat, which children can play with. We are also working on a set of Info & History Boards to be installed along our new public boardwalk, giving visitors information and reference points.
At the moment we are also in the middle of setting up a series of Boaters’ Workshops, putting together a New-to-Boating guide, commissioning a ‘canal’ drama, and securing contributions for our Christmas Fair.
If you would like to make a donation, please get in touch!
CHUG Secretary,
Canals in Hackney Users Group, Kingsland Basin, London N1 5BB