Our new ducks have arrived
Posted on June 12, 2013Duck Update:
As some of you have probably noticed, sadly our ducks have gone again. One of them arrived with a sinus infection which did not seem to react quickly enough to the treatment the vet prescribed. We made the tough decision to send them all back to the farm they came from in-case the infection spread to all of them. We are waiting for some more ducks to come of age and we will try again. It gives volunteers a chance to finish off the duck pen and hopefully fox-proof it perfectly.
Watch this space for more duck news…
After a hard working weekend building the duck enclosure on the end of our allotment with the help of chug volunteers, our ducks arrived early Tuesday morning. We have 6 Cambells. Still awaiting arrival of the male to the group. We are keeping them in their enclosure this week to ensure they settle well. Watch this space for more duck news.
Kingsland Basin Volunteer allotment painting
Posted on June 7, 2013Our first gardening date had quite an impact. It was a working weekend with Chug volunteers. They stripped the rust off the allotment and painted it white. Well done all it looks amazing.
Planned over the next few weeks; Duck house and duck area being built for our imminent arrivals – seven White Campbell ducks, willow trellis for the allotment; some children to come down and decorate the floating barge.
Please contact if you would like to get involved in any of our schemes.
Pop Up Cafe 15th June 2013
Posted on June 5, 2013
CHUG Pop Up Cafe
Posted on June 3, 2013
This year we will be opening our Cafe again!
We will be selling tea and coffee, cakes and other sweet treats. We will also be holding workshops and other events. The profits from the cafe will go to our project Greening Kingsland Basin.
We want to set up a community orchard, plant wildflowers, marginal pond plants and water lilies to attract all the birds that have disappeared due to the development over the last 5 years.
We are also trying to make and plant floating planters and nesting areas for waterfowl.
The Cafe will be open from 12 Noon to 5 Pm
The dates are as Follows:
15 June: Cafe Workshop: How to save a baby’s life
lifesaving and CPR.
20 July – Cafe Workshop to be announced
17 August -Cafe Constructing growing screens
floating planters how to make and construction day.
21 and 22 September – Cafe Open House London – open boats
19 October – Cafe How to make your own soap and why it’s better than the soap from shops
So if it’s just to come and have a cup of tea and read the newspapers or look at the floating allotment or our bees. We welcome you throughout the summer.
Look forward to seeing you here!